Work with us

For us it is very important that everyone who wants to be part of our project knows and understands the philosophy of our group and can become familiar with our internal rules.

We have, without a doubt, several of the best locations in the area of ​​Calvia, with privileged views over the bay of Santa Ponsa and we are pleased to say that we have an important workload for many months of the year. Still, we are not satisfied. We are committed to an objective that requires the highest degree of involvement by all the people that make up this group: we want to ensure that this “many months” becomes “every month” of the year.

The goal cannot be simpler and more complex at the same time. To achieve this, it is necessary for our clients to feel at home and enjoy such a special and enjoyable experience that they want to visit us again and again—to be truly moved by our food, kindness, and service. For additional engagement ideas, explore the play to earn games to see how new trends can offer fresh perspectives.

From now on you could be part of this great team. We want you to contribute with your effort and dedication to the consolidation of this group as a gastronomic reference in the island and that you can develop professionally and personally among us, on the foundations of respect, companionship, education (both with our clients and with our colleagues) and humility.

We all are important

From the cleaning staff, to the group’s general manager, everyone who wants to be part of this project must have the healthy ambition to be the best in what they do and the humility to learn something new every day.

We want to be (and we fight to be) the best … workers and people … Therefore, only people who love and feel what they are doing day by day, will be welcome in this company … Without egos, without jealousy, without envy … We seek people who feel important and make this group of companies important.

We all have a value. We deserve to be respected. But that respect must be mutual. Unicum Group is committed to the members of its team to fulfill their part of the agreement and in return, asks for the maximum involvement of each and every one of them.

What does Unicum Group offers to you?

First, it guarantees you a stable, dignified and respectable job. In this wonderful life, the main role is to develop as people, form families, take care of them and at the same time, feel useful and important in our daily work. Growing up in a personal environment is linked to having an adequate job stability since the quality of life is in line with covering basic needs that can only provide us with a quality of work according to our aptitude and, above all, a positive attitude towards work.

If we do not love what we do and put our effort into being better, we will never leave the mediocrity that floods many lives. Since almost all of us are forced to work, what better way to do it than to try to be the best at what we do? Only from effort and dedication can we obtain that desired quality of life for us and for ours. Although some think that hospitality is the only way out because they have not wanted or been able to study other professions, we think it is a profession as dignified and vocational as any other. Those who are in this profession because you think that it is the only thing that you have been able to find, you will surely not feel comfortable with us, or in any other company, as long as you do not value your own profession.

We are willing to give you the necessary training from day one. What you have done or learned before in other jobs matters little to us. We don’t feel better or worse than other companies in the sector, but we have a way of doing the things we believe in and it has led us to succeed. With our virtues and our defects, we believe in our methods … So, from your first day in Unicum Group you will be accompanied by superiors who will provide you with the information and help you need at all times, always at our discretion and creed. WE HAVE EXCEEDED YEARS OF CRISIS GROWING and that is our strength to continue persevering in the way we do things. We respect all methodologies, as long as each one applies them at home or in your company.

We offer you a real possibility of promotion, because all that is not to advance is to go back. All people in this group have the same promotion and promotion possibilities. If you show the desire, ability and professionalism you can get to gather an appropriate profile and move up the scale of command and responsibility of the company.

What does Unicum Group expect from you?

We expect you to have a positive attitude and learning predisposition. We want you to apply our method and give value to your own work. In short, that you have the attitude and get the knowledge that this activity requires.

Be aware that you are working vis-à-vis the public, and many times you will have to put up with a slightly special client. You should take it as another part of your job. If you don’t think you’re ready for it, you should seriously consider if you’re in the right place. Do not forget that with a smile everything is easier. And if you have doubts, dare to try it!

Strong rules are the same as a strong business, never forget it. That’s why we hope you respect our rules and methods.

In the end, if you think about it, what the group expects from you is not very different from what you expect from it: respect, involvement and support for personal / business growth.

We hope you make our customers feel the same as you would like to feel when you go with your family or friends to a restaurant, neither more nor less. Our clients are everything. Without them, there is no money inlet, so there is no possibility of being able to pay you, so you will have to look for another job in which you end up giving what you expect to receive . What better way to start giving everything so you can receive everything?

At Unicum Group we do not sell only food, but a rewarding experience from the moment the customer enters through the door until we say goodbye to him. Not only our food, but also our treatment and service should excite our customers. The only way to achieve this is to make and serve our food with the love, enthusiasm and affection as we would do for our own family.

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